Evil for good is devil-like. Evil
for evil is beastlike, Good for good is man-like. Good for evil
is God-like. |
It's pretty hard to spend your time digging up dirt about others without. getting a little dirty
Never tell
evil of man if you do not know it for a certainty; and if you
know it for a certainty, then asks yourself, "why should I tell
it?" Gossip is like a mud on the wall-you can wipe it off, but it still leaves a spot.
-Megiddo Message |
The gracious heart protects' and
enlarges the self-respect of the other person. There is an
enormous love in this world-unconsciousness, instinctive,
eager for expression. Each of us can learn to unlock it with the
thoughtful courtesies of a gracious heart. |
No man is in true health who can not stand in the Cree air of heaven with his feet on God's free turf, and thank his Creator for the simple luxury
of physical existence. |
God has two dwellings: one in heaven, and the other in a meek and thankful heart.
-lzaak Walton |
Modern man struggles in secret
with his feeling of guilt. And there lies the true cause of the
conflicts that rend society. |
Those who stand for
nothing are apt to fall for anything. |
Happiness involves not letting the things we can't have or don't have, or shouldn't have spoil our enjoyment of the things we do have and can have. A great lesson in, living is learning to be happy without the things we cannot or ought not
to have.
The strength and happiness of a
man consists in finding out the way in which God is going, and
going in that direction, too. |
It is not how much we have, but how much we
enjoy, that makes happiness. |
Success is getting what you want,
happiness is wanting what you get. |
The surest cure for loneliness, the quickest way to happiness, are found in this, a simple creed: Go .serve someone in greater need.
-William Ward. |
Happiness is a perfume that you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.
-Selected |
Happiness is Gratitude for the Past, Joy in the Present, and Faith in the Future.
-Dorothy Lorenz |
Get happiness out of your work or
you will never know what true happiness is. |
reached the shore." |
To know what Y)'u know, and know what you don't know, is characteristic of one who knows. .
-Confucius |
us to see that it is better to fail in
a cause
that will ultimately succeed than
to succeed in a cause that will ultimately fail.
The true epic of OUr times is not
"arms and the man," but "tools andthe man"-an infinitely wider kind of epic. |
Kindness has converted more
sinners than either zeal, eloquence, or learning.
There are no little lies, because
there is no little God to ,sin against. |
" |
Die when I may, I want it said of me by those who knew me best, that I always plucked a thistle and planted a flower where I thought a flower
would grow. |
Fear not that thy life shall come to an end, but rather fear that it shall never have Ii beginning.
-Cardin l Newman |
We make a living by what we get,
but we make a life by what we give. |
One man gets nothing but discord
out of, a piano; another gets harmony. No one claims the piano
is at fault. Life is about the same. The discord is there; the
harmony is there. Sfudy to play it correctly, and it will give
forth beauty, play it falsely, and it will give forth ugliness. |
You may hear a mockingbird, or the wind in the trees, or a brook running over polished stones, or some other music of our earth--or even the hushed voice of Him who created all this beauty.
Harriet Hall |
The more we love the better we are; and the greater our friendships are, the dearer we are to
God. |
It is not the one who knows the
most, or the one who says the most, or the one who does the
most, but the one who loves the most who wins the most.
A man's love for God can be measured by the love he - has for the man he loves the least.
-Author Unknown |
Goodness is love in action, love
with its hand to the plough, love with the burden on its back,
love following His footsteps who went about doing good. |
Love means to love that which is unlovable, or it is no virtue at all; forgiving means to pardon
No man is worth his salt who is
not ready at all times to risk his body, to
risk his well-being. and to risk' his life, in a great cause.
Theodore Roosevelt |
Man was made for
domination-to rule and control the circumstances about
him. His mind was so constructed that it could accept or
reject any. thing ashe chose. The majority have chosen to
let their lives be ruled by the demons of fear and
worry. |
Successful marriage is always a
triangle; a man, a woman, and God. A man likes his wife to be just clever enough to comprehend his cleverness, and just stupid
enough to admire it. |
Minds are like parachutes; they
function only when they are open. |
A little neglect may breed great
mischief. For want of a nail the shoe was lost; for want of a
shoe the horse was lost; and for want of a horse, the rider was
lost, being overtaken and slain by the enemy. |
There is nothing noble in being
superior to some other man. True nobility is being superior to your previous self. |
Nothing will ever be attempted if
all possible objections must be first
overcome. |
There is no security on this
earth. Only opportunity. |
The population problem will be solved one way or another-either in a humane and Christian way. or an inhumane and unchristian way. The humane and Christian way is through birth control. The
inhumane and
unchristian way is through war, famine and disease.
I shall allow no
man to belittle my soul by making me hate him. |
Health is the greatest of all physical possessions; a hale cobbler is better than a sick king.
- Bickerstaff |
Health is so
neces~~ry to all tbe' duties as well as pleasures of life, that
the crime of squandering it is equal to
the folly. |
We squander
Health in search of Wealth; We Toil, we
Sweat, we Save then we squander our Wealth in search of Health
and only find the Grave. |
The past is contained in the book where all things are written. We cannot blot out the record; but if we choose to learn them, the past will teach us its lessons. As we make it our monitor, we may
also make it our
friend. |
A good idea is
like a match. It is useless unlessyou strike it
into flame. |
The soul would have no rainbow had the eyes
no tears. |
All births a.."'e
painful; painfulness increases their importance. This applies as
wen to the birth
of a new
thought. |
There is, by
God's- grace, an immeasurable distance between late and too
late. |
The m~ who accomplishes nothing, and then stops to rest will. never be a leader.
-Supervision |
It is in human
nature to think wisely and to act in an absurd fashion. |
If you are idle;
you are on the way to ruin, and there are few stopping places
upon it. It is rather a precipice than: a road. |
It is only when the imilgjnation is active that man takes wings. At all other times he is clogged, sluggish, earthbound-a dull, joyless creature. And it is the impossible that really. inspires him most
of all.
If you were to
ask what is the hardest task in the world, you might think of
some muscular feat, some acrobatic
challenge, some chore tJo be done on the battlefield or the
playing field. Actually, however. there is nothing which we
find more ardous than saying, "I
was wrong." |
I have yet. to
find the IWm, whatever his station in life, who did not do
better work and put forth greater effort under a spirit of
approval than he would ever do under a spirit of criticism. . |
I have discovered the philosopher's stone, that turns everything into gold: it is, 'pay as you go.' -John Randolph |
Heaven never
helps a man who will not act. |
Good parents do not always produce good children, but devoted, dedicated, hard-working mothersand fathers can weigh the balance in favor of decency and the building of moral character. Every Word and deed of a parent is a fiber Woven into the character of a child, which. ultimately determines how that child fits into the fabric of society. |
Good for the body
is the work of the' body; good for the soul
is the work of the soul, and good for either
the work of the other. |
You can never do a kindness too soon because you never know how soon it will be too late. |
brigthens the eye, increases the perspiration,
expands the chest, forces the poisoned air from the
least-used cells, and tends to restore the
exquisite poise or balance which We call health. |
The first forty years of .life give us the text; the next thirty supply the commentary.
- Schopenhaver |
God takes life's
broken pieces and gives us unbroken peace. |
Reverence for life. . . does not allow the scholar to live for his science alone, even if he is very useful to the community in so doing. It does not permit the artist to exist only for his art, even. if he gives inspiration to many by its means. It refuses to let the businessman imagine that he fulfills all legitimate demands hi the course of his business activities. It demands from all that they should sacrifice a portion of their own lives for others. -Albert Schweitzer |
The great use of
life is to spend it for somethingthat will outlast
it. |
To understand the
world is wiser than to condemn it. To study the world is better
than to shun it. To use the world is better than to ...abuse it.
To make the world better, lovelier, and happier, is the noblest
work of man or woman. |
Liquor gets
mighty loud when it gets loose from the jug. |
There is no
surprise more magical than the surprise of being loved. It is
God's finger on a man's shoulder. |
Love without criticism brings stagnation, and criticism without love brings destruction. ............................................................. selected |
A smiling face, a sunny temper, and a perseverance that never falters go far toward making that wonderful thing which the world calls luck. -The Uplift |
When an old rabbi
was asked why God made only two people, Adam and Eve, he
replied: "So that nobody can
say, 'I came from better stock than you do.''' |
When a man hasn't a good reason for doing a thing, he has a good reason for letting it alone.
Walter Sqott. |
A vain man's motto is: "Win gold and wear it"; a generous man's: "Win gold and share it"; a miser's: "Win gold and hoard it"; a profligate's: "Win gold and spend it"; a broker's: "Win gold and lend it"; a gambler's: "Win gold and lose it"; a wise
man's: "Win gold and use it".
Music is the only
language in which you cannot say a mean or sarcastic thing. |
A millionaire and a poor man alike have the opportunity to enjoy a sunset, beautiful scenes in nature, the thrill of growing plants and the loveliness of the night. Men in all ages have enjoyed beauty in nature, and unless we learn to get the fullest enjoyment from this source, we are miss- , ing one of the important sources of happiness.
-John Bloxome |
Good nature, like
a bee, collects honey from. Every herb. III
nature like a spider, sucks poison from the sweetest
flower. |
succeeds with people of sweet and cheerful.
disposition. |
Sometimes the turning point in a man's life is achieved by just going straight.
-Kenneth Parsons |
To think we have
the ability to do a thing is almost to
accomplish it. To determine, upon success is frequently
success itself. |
Every child born into the world is a new thought of God, an ever-fresh and radiant possibility.
-Kate Douglas
Wiggin |
capabilities have never been measured;nor are we to
judge of what he can do by precedents, so little has been tried.
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